- © Kraft

Places of happiness: Catholic church of St. Agatha

Time out during a holiday in the World Heritage region

Balancing, regenerating, activating: These positive effects on the body are attributed to the ‘Glücksplätzen’ (places of happiness) in the UNESCO World Heritage region of Hallstatt Dachstein Salzkammergut. The small bench in front of the idyllic church in the Bad Goisern district of Saint Agatha is certainly such a place! The colourful flower meadow, the imposing mountains between Krippenstein and Kalmberg and the wide panoramic view - draw strength at one of the most beautiful places in the holiday region of Dachstein Salzkammergut.

Look inside the gem

The high altar of the small Catholic church, with its remarkable figural Calvary group, is built out of cave and sand stones that originated from the Guggenbichler workshop. The famous sculptor and altar creator (1649-1723) worked in the Benedictine Abbey of Mondsee. Many of his altars with sculptures and ornaments are preserved in churches in the Salzkammergut.

Our tip: For those wishing to visit the Glücksplatz from Hallstatt and Obertraun, we recommend taking the “Goisern II" pleasure boat. The small boat of the ‘Hallstatt Seeschiffahrt” runs in the summer months. From the "Untersee" (Bad Goisern) landing stage it is about a 30 minutes’ walk to the ‘Glücksplatz’ at the Catholic church of St. Agatha. When returning we recommend the ‘Ostuferwanderweg’ (East bank hiking trail) along Lake Hallstatt or the Salzkammergut Soleweg high above the lake. Whichever path you decide, we wish you an unforgettable holiday in the Salzkammergut.

Immer gut informiert!

Haben Sie Fragen zu weiteren Glücksplätzen in der Ferienregion Dachstein Salzkammergut? Ihre Gastgeber und die freundlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der vier Tourismusinformationen in Bad Goisern, Gosau, Hallstatt und Obertraun stehen Ihnen gerne mit Rat und Tat zu Verfügung. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine entspannte Zeit an den Glücksplätzen im Salzkammergut!

Information at a glance

  • Contact
    Tourist Office Bad Goisern on Lake Hallstatt

    Ferienregion Dachstein Salzkammergut
    Tourismusverband Inneres Salzkammergut
    Kirchengasse 4
    4822 Bad Goisern, Österreich
    Phone: +43 (0) 5 95095 10
    E-Mail: info@dachstein-salzkammergut.at
    Fax: +43 (0) 5 95095 74
    Bus stop: Bad Goisern Mitte/B145
    Opening times
    Tourist Office Bad Goisern
    Monday - Friday
    08:00 - 12:30
    13:00 - 16:30
    Closed on these days
    Please note
    Subject to change

The most beautiful areas of tranquillity, within the World Heritage region, at a glance

“Glücksplätze” - Places of happiness

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Event tips from the im-salzkammergut.at editors

Wed, Dec. 24, 2025 18:00 Church St. Agatha, St. Agatha Bad Goisern

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